Yes Even Hollywood

Today I thank God for the U.S.A.

As a Canadian I confess it would be far too easy for me to write everything I find wrong or disconcerting with my neighbours to the South. But today is a special day for them, and should be for us too.


Here are five things I appreciate about America (ordered from least significant to most):

1. Hollywood – Celebrity status, immorality and blockbuster pressure aside, I appreciate this film industry’s original quest to pursue film as art, to showcase new talent, and even to educate while entertain us.

2. Shopping – thanks for the invitation to save $$$ on gasoline, books, clothing – it’s true you have fallen on extremely hard economic times, and as much as I support local products, I tire of seeing marked up CDN prices at Chapters or Starbucks above the USD prices.

3. Athletics – baseball, football and basketball – from the cradle to the grave there is a strategy to instill society’s “up and coming” athletes to be all they can be. We can even see a growing emphasis of youth programs for our beloved sport of hockey in all larger cities…awesome. (Canuck fans let’s stay grateful for our very own Michigan born Ryan Kesler!)

4. Dynamic missionary heritage – of course times are changing and America’s role as a missionary sending force has changed from pioneer to partner, however, for much of this century, missionaries and local churches have maintained a bold commitment to seeing the unreached all over the world hear of the good news of Jesus.

5. Young Christian leaders – The Student Volunteer Movement was a powerful moment in history, a prayer meeting around a haystack changed countless lives (see photo). Today it appears there is a resurgence of young adults who exemplify risk taking obedience to Jesus…there seems to be a growing movement again who will go anywhere and do anything the Lord asks of them.

Here’s what one young adult said after returning this June from a TREK team experience: “I still feel God leading me oversees in full-time missions. This is the only life I can imagine myself in.”

What comes to your mind as you thank God for the U.S.A?

~ by Sam Dick on July 4, 2011.

10 Responses to “Yes Even Hollywood”

  1. It seems to obvious to say I’m thankful for FREEDOM, yet when I think of those who have to worship in secret, those who have been martyred for their faith in Christ and for sharing the hope they have in Him, how can I not be thankful for the freedom I have to openly serve and follow God and the freedom I have to share Him with others?

    • Melissa, that is a great point. I too thought of freedom, there is nothing wrong with recognizing it for the gift that it is. Sam

  2. it’s tough… i think i spend too much time thinking about negatives–it’s not fun to be abroad and tell people you’re from the USA (they probably could tell before i even opened my mouth!). i’d like to be able to say that i’m thankful for freedom, but it’s the same freedom that makes it (culturally) ‘okay’ to be lazy about your Christian faith/walk.

    ps- being in abbotsford this week, i almost forgot today was independence day @ home…

    • Thanks for the honest comment Ruth. I almost wrote a line in my blog that every positive attribute listed is like a double edged sword, it comes with strengths and weaknesses. When appropriate we need to challenge our generation out of their apathetic funk…let’s encourage someone in that direction today!

  3. Thank You Sam, for your comments about my country America. I am an American Canadian and proud of my American heritage. I thank you for your comments because I hear many people in Abbotsford talk down about America. God bless America and may the Lord shine on Canada. May Jesus blanket your wife with peace and rest. May His Faithfulness be a strong tower for both of you.

  4. I also want to say “thanks,” Sam. I didnt always feel such a kind perspective about my nationality, so I appreciate this. Granted, the US isn’t perfect, but nowhere is.

    Hope you had an awesome, Canada Day as well! I LOVED being able to celebrate it this year and will probably continue to celebrate it in my heart whenever I’m not in Canada (after all, it’s kind of my second home :))!

  5. haha sam, the one that says ‘ruth rempel’ above, is actually candi fender! 😛 i’m staying in their house this week and completely forgot to change the user info 🙂

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